Using NAV with Docker for development

Docker is a lightweight “virtualization” framework for creating isolated environments, useful both in development and production. For more information on Docker visit their homepage or read the documentation.

Installing Docker

Docker has updated documentation on how to install it for most Linux distributions [*]. Due to its dependency on a relatively new kernel (3.8+), some distributions such as Debian stable will need to use a backports kernel.


To avoid having to use sudo with docker commands it is recommended to add your user to the docker group. You may need to relogin for it to take effect.

Building the Docker image

First you will need to obtain the NAV source code.

The source contains a configuration file for Docker Compose to build a suite of containers for PostgreSQL, Graphite and NAV itself. Simply run this command to run everything:

docker-compose up


The first time you run this would be the perfect time to grab some coffee (and maybe redecorate your living room), as the initial build may take a while.

Using the container(s)

The default Compose setup will expose the NAV web frontend on http://localhost/ and the Graphite-web frontend on http://localhost:8000 .

You can access the inside of the NAV container (to control NAV daemons, adjust the running config, or whatever) by running a bash shell inside it, like so:

docker exec -ti nav_nav_1 /bin/bash

Happy hacking!
